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The debate started with a chore and a debt Kitas don’t travel ab. After the Hessian Cult Ministers Armin Schwarz (CDU) ruled the Handynutzung and Schulen in the country or in the German part of Germany for a while, they would at that time organize the Cult Minister Conference with the theme. Schwarz will make a Verbot of Smartphones a Grundschulen and make clear, alternative rules for the Secondary Study I and II. In Kitas, if you are looking for a solution for a child’s game, you can use the right devices with smartwatches, smartphones and GPS trackers, with the other options for children or other devices.
If you want to separate the city of Hanau, from Dezember and Kita’s Smartwatches and other devices, you can purchase it. Die Überwachung der Kinder aus der Ferne lauft nach Ansicht des Hanauer Bürgermeisters Maximilian Bieri (SPD) the children’s toy obligation is. If you have achieved autonomy, the autonomy of childhood and the right to be respected is a free way of working.
Also in others Communes and Einrichtungen ist der Umgang with digital Geräten ein Thema. The urban traveler Kita Frankfurt sees the Nutzung von SmartphonesSmartwatches and others trackingfähigen Geräten in Kinderbetreuungseinrichtungen ebenfalls critical. With fast 150 Einrichtungen there is the great Anbieter of Kinderbetreuung in Frankfurt. Whoever was from the Träger-mitteilt, became a regulation equipment, which Eltern, padogische Mitarbeitern and Kindern a clear Orientierung geben sollen.
“Kinder brauchen in een kindertagesbetreuungseinrichtung das Gefühl von Sicherheit and personal Freiraum,” said the Betriebsleiterin Gabriele Bischoff. If you are the person who works with other children and adults, you will see a “real social interaction”. “Contact with us for the future,” Bischoff has said.
Developmental measures relate to the upward, child-friendly pathology of photos. It is necessary that you practice some of the skills in the middle of time. That is not in the broader sense of the word a useful tool in one of the Bildungse-inrichtung, are children who have a sin and are critical.
A compromise can be made in one’s own direction. If you fly to the Beispiel in the north of Frankfurt, you will make a private trip, while the children play on a smartphone or tablet for a while during the week. If this time takes you, you should put the device in the bag. “It is a problem that children can interact with the regular family all the time. You may have a problem solving problem,” said a little. The rules that you can use are now relevant for the hortchildren in the Grundschulalter, and for the smaller ones they are useful “small themes”, such as the Mitarbeiter. Among the four clocks that have become a children’s smartwatch, the hort aller thing is no longer used.
Other clues are possible if we are willing to compromise. Christiane Steffan led the Hort in the Kinderhaus des Evangelische Vereins for Innere Mission Frankfurt in the Holzhausenviertel. Even though they are gold-plated, the smartphones and smartwatches in Ranzen are soles. When all the children’s heels stop working. “We were very happy that the Nutzung der Dinger in Kitas was verboten,” said Steffan. Show more four and more watches a Smartwatch. The bottom line is that Eltern secretly contacts his children with the Abholzeit of the company in this way, according to the Hort anzurufen. “We live with a telephone,” says Steffan. It is a matter of simple regulation. “If you no longer see the device, it is the right way. The Social Verhalten of Children leads.”
Auch Anders Adebahr, van de Hort van Kita Fuchshohl van Evangelischen Bethlehemgemeinde in Ginnheim leitet, wünscht sich ein heitliches Verbot van Geräte in Schulen und Kitas. “I think a Gesetz helps. There is a political and pedagogic signal, which is only used by Lernorten.“ GPS-Tracker und een good ortungsdienst lehnt Adebahr aus pedagogischen Gründen ab. “Were your child careful, it prevents the Verselbständigung und hemmt die Entwicklung,” it said. After the blessing charge was performed, childhood grew and the desire to have children increased. Do a kind of brauche-freiräume, um zu entwickeln.
If you buy another, you can buy a smartwatch or a smartphone more often. “Früher went wild at Viertklässlern. Knitting is a fact.” There is a party where children can use their own smartphone: “In this moment, my kind is a smartphone at ease,” said. Gilded in the Hort der Kita, that Geräte in the Tasche bleiben müssen. “That’s all there is to it.” These people are always alone. “So don’t sit here in an oasis.”
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